Baptist Health South Florida FCU has partnered with KOFE to help you stay financially healthy!
KOFE provides you and your family with resources and tools to improve your financial wellness.
Unlimited Financial Education - FREE resources at our KOFE online portal include:
- Extensive video library
- 30+ downloadable publications
- Budgeting tools
- Financial Calculators
- Access to webinars and podcasts
- Interactive Courses
- Live Web Chat with Financial Coaches
- Live 1-on-1 phone counseling with Financial Coaches
Personal Financial Coaching - Work with a Coach to review and analyze your budget and spending, determine goals, and create an action plan. Coaches provide advice on:
- Personal counseling by phone
- Reading & understanding credit reports
- Debt management / Debt resolution options
- Budgeting tactics / Saving strategies
- Housing counseling
- Credit counseling for home purchasing
- Mortgage repayment options
- First-time home buyer education
- Reverse mortgages
Please note: KOFE is a FREE benefit to members of Baptist Health South Florida FCU.
To get started, visit our members-only KOFE Portal below.
Or, call KOFE today at 855-304-4089 to speak with a Financial Coach. The call is always free and confidential. Coaches are available:
Monday - Thursday 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday 8:00am-6:00pm
Saturday 10am-5pm